Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just call me, Gimpy!

Well, I get the call from my Ortho doctor today and it's not such good news... I guess I tore everything all to kingdom come...

Outside miniscus ~ torn
ACL Graft ~ torn
Cartilage ~ torn

Sigh.... I guess when I am going to do something, I must do it AWESOMELY!!!

So, I go in on 12/10 and get to go over my options:
     1. Suffer
     2. Surgery to just get out all the ickies
     3. Surgery to totally revamp the whole thing, repair ACL graft and
     4. HAVE A PARTY!!!

Ok, not #4....  I don't really want to go into surgery, but then again with everything going on next year, I really won't be having the time next year.  My deductible met this year already (plus).  Oh, the decisions... nothing like getting laid up at Christmas.

So, I will keep a positive attitude since it has been over 15 years since my last surgery and a lot has to have changed since then.  Right?!?!

Time will tell....



Saturday, November 24, 2012

I have lived thru another Black Friday!!!!

Black Friday has come and gone... and I am still standing.  A bit wobbly and I do have a limp.  But still here and still feisty!!!

Now I just have to get on the ball and wrap and get the rest of the home-made stuff done.  That is gonna be a killer.  Today is my "get done" day.  Tom & Vin away at hockey in Antigo.  Morghan gone to a friend's house for the day and now my dining room is ripped apart and getting a clean so I can set up my Snow Tree or maybe I will do my Red & Gold Tree... hmmmmm.... oh, the choices.  I am partial to my Snow Tree though, those dang snow creatures are just too dang cute!

So, as you can tell I am working really hard and getting all my stuff since I am sitting here typing and thinking that I should call my dad to bring over lunch... hee hee!!!  We will see.  I have got to get moving as I know that no one else will get the stuff done.

and I am off!!!

no, I'm not....  So, dining room, tree up, stuff wrapped, and maybe Christmas Cards....

Oh, the INSANITY!!!!!



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

And the Countdown Begins

Ok, I know what you are thinking... 2 days til BD pt2.... I know, I know.... but you would be wrong.


Although there is that too.  I was referring to the ever popular Christmas Countdown... I am actually very excited this year about Christmas.  The last couple have been oh, so, um, let's say predictable.  Maybe it's the fact that both of the kids now know the "secret" of Christmas (Tom is known now as the "dream killer") hee hee!!! I had to laugh.  Both of the kids are actually a lot more 'ok' with knowing than what I thought they would be, although Morghan did come up to me yesterday and snuggled up and leans in and whispers, "Mom, this year could you please still put 'From: Santa' on some of my presents?

Awwwwww...... I can hear you all now.  Kids.  You gotta luv'em.

So, tomorrow is National Pickle Day.  My daughter, I swear you know she is a Quarzenski girl since she asks me if she can eat a the whole jar of pickles in the fridge... I told her that was evil... pure evil to suggest such a thing, and if she doesn't believe me?  Just go ask her Aunty Dana... LOL!!! I remember that day.   Oh, the horror... THE HORROR!!!  I swear I still have nightmares.

But I digress...

Back to Christmas.

I am trying to make from the heart the majority of my Christmas gifts this year.  To give the people I luv something I enjoy making and something I think that they will appreciate and yes, to save some $$$

I will try to take pics and post of the things that I have been making, but I will have to be a bit discreetful (is that a word) so that my peeps don't get an sneek peek at their gifts.

Also, going to start getting my cards in order and tomorrow going to go and make some.  2 down already and about 20 more to go.  I have to make a list!  I have lists all over.  I add stuff to my lists just so I can cross the stuff off my list... how sick is that?  I need professional help.  Is there such a thing and List-Makers Anonymous?  If so, can someone share the number?  Thank you!

in the words of Tigger,

TTFN!!! Whooo-hooo-hooo-hooo!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you

to each and every one of you that have served and to those that have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect this great nation of ours.

This holiday was established in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson, who called for a day "filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory."

I have seen many people post this today and each and everytime I read it, I get a bit teary-eyed.  Thank you to all my uncles, cousins and family and especially to my hubby for having the heart and courage to serve and protect and make me a little prouder to raise my children in our wonderful country.

Please give a veteran a hug and let them know you appreciate them.

Luv you all!!!

See the New Halloween Pics

Happy Halloween!!!
Miss Katniss Everdeen & Vlad Dracula (blah, blah, blah!)

Enjoy the pics!

Stupid Picasa

Trying to post the newest pics from this year for the Halloween creepiness.... but alas, Picasa is just being really pokey... already over 1/2 hr and they are still not available to post to my blog...


enjoy some pics of past years and what is possibly to come in the next month or so...

Winter Driving


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pampered Chefs?

So, today I went to Ashley's for her Pampered Chef party and had fun...  and then scheduled a party off of her so all u ladies out there need to keep December 7th open... 1pm...  So, now I am thinking that I totally forgot that this was the weekend that Tom had planned for us as a family to go to Milwaukee and then to Chicago for family weekend.... oooops!!!!

So, not the conundrum is... do I reschedule the party or just see about leaving after the party that evening and heading to Milwaukee....  I want to do the party before Christmas/Birthday and that is the last weekend available.

Now I have to be really nice to my hubby and hope that he is ok with this or else I guess that I will have to reschedule.

more to come....

Friday, November 9, 2012

1 Week to Go!!!

1 week left!!!  I can't wait for next Friday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Go Vote!

Happy Election Day!!!

If you haven't done so, then I encourage you to get out there and vote if you have time... The poles in WI have officially closed 7 mins ago... we will see, hopefully, how long it takes to get the votes all counted.

I have to wonder why people think that on the day of election... why, oh, why do they think that if they can belittle and bully others into agreeing with them... Why do they think it's ok to try and finagle (yes, the official word) out of people who they voted for. When I have to say...


If you really want to know, watch the news and see who wins.  I exercise my right to vote and if you are willing to ask me nicely and not tell me that I am an idiot for voting my conscience then maybe, just maybe I will have a CONVERSATION with you... I will not want to DEBATE with you, or ARGUE with you... and more than likely if you are a friend of mine, I will probably just smile and say, I exercised my right, did u?  u did?  wonderful, congratulations!!!!

I know I am rambling, but I had today a man from NY call in and tell me that I better go vote for Obama today and that it would be horrible for the country if we (I am assuming Americans, I hope not nutcases) don't stick together... Then for the next 2 minutes he tried to get me to promise to go vote for Obama and when I stated that I already exercised my right he started to ask who I voted for.... I was like, well if there's nothing else I can answer for you in regards to your Health Insurance??? No??? Then have a good afternoon.  Click!  Le Sigh....

On a positive note.... Hopefully, we will get a reprieve from all the crappy stupid tv ads...

On to Christmas tv ads, YAY!!!!