Saturday, June 15, 2013

Holy Beans, Batman!!!!

I can't believe it's already been, um.... 4 mos since my last post.  Working has taken over my life.  The late shift was playing havoc with my family life (and my sanity, I think).  Sooooo......

Now that it is June, School's out, garden is in, I am on a new shift (Thank God!) and hopefully we will save up enough money for our trip this fall.  I don't have a lot to report other than the local coffee/gift shop has agreed to put out some of my hats this fall.  So, I need to get crocheting my fingers off.  6 hats!  Whoo-hoo!!!  If they are good and I can get my butt in gear I may also post some online.  We will see.

Hopefully, I will get some pics posted to show how much the kids and the garden is growing like weeds... well the kids and no weeds in the garden (I hope)!

Til Next Time,


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